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15 Ways to Prepare your Child for Going Back to School

So, summer is ending, and school is approaching. Being prepared can help ensure that the first day back is fun and stress-free, both for you and your little one. Here are fifteen ways you can be sure you’re ready.

1. Buy a cool backpack

Allowing your child to pick out a backpack they like can help ignite excitement for the upcoming school year. Make backpack shopping a celebrated, exciting occasion that makes returning to school a fun and positive experience.

2. Purchase any school supplies your child needs

Most schools list all the items your child will need, so double-check with your child’s new teacher and see what you need to get. If there’s no list, purchase the staples: pencils, erasers, folders, and notebooks. Anything else can be purchased as the school year continues.

3. Update your child’s wardrobe

Different schools have different dress requirements; be sure you know what your child must wear and stock their closet accordingly. For schools that require a uniform, be sure to order their clothing with plenty of time to make alterations if necessary.

4. Pre-order the books your child will need

Not always, but some schools require parents to order and purchase their child’s textbooks before school. If that’s the case with your child’s school, you may be able to save money by obtaining the book list early and ordering them from a cheaper online source.

5. Start slowly adjusting your child’s sleep schedule

The new routine that the school year will demand of your child can be stressful. Your child will be waking up much earlier than they have been all summer, so help them adjust slowly by waking them up earlier and earlier the week preceding their first day.

6. Talk to your child about any new expectations

A new year means new teachers, classmates, coursework, and expectations. Talk to your children about how this year may be different, or even more complicated, than the previous year, and help prepare them for any difficulty they may face.

7. Visit your child’s school

Especially if you’ve moved to a new area and your child is in a new school, showing them the school grounds and location (if possible) will help ease their tensions on the first day and help make them feel relaxed and comfortable in their new surroundings.

8. Sort out transportation

Going into a new grade can be a big and scary thing, and your child may feel a little less than confident about the new school year. Even if your son or daughter seems excited about returning to school, be sure to ask if there’s anything they’d like to discuss before the big day.

9. Communicate with your child about any fears or concerns

Going into a new grade can be a big and scary thing, and it’s possible your child is feeling a little less than confident about the new school year. Even if your son or daughter seems excited about going back to school, be sure to ask if there’s anything they’d like to discuss before the big day.

10. Put together your child’s homework space

These days, schools assign homework as young as preschool and as early as the first day. Ensure your child has a designated workspace in your home that’s free of distractions, where they can complete any work sent home during the school year.

11. Set goals with your child

A huge part of personal success involves goal-setting and discipline. Your child is never too young to think about their goals for the year, so they can start thinking about how to accomplish them. Before the school year begins, sit down with your child and ask what they’d like to achieve this year.

12. Stock the fridge

Nutrition and education go hand-in-hand. If you plan to pack your child’s lunch, start brainstorming some healthy, yummy meals you can put in a bag and send off with them, and then do the shopping necessary to acquire those items.

13. Recap with your child what they learned the previous grade

Unfortunately, the downtime children get from education during the summer sometimes results in a deterioration of what they’ve learned in previous grades. The good news is that a quick brush-up session can go a long way.

14. Consider updating your child’s vaccinations

Your child’s school is undoubtedly a pool of germs and bacteria that may be new to their immune system. If you are a family that vaccinates, double-check when your child’s last round of shots was; it might be time to update them.

15. Get your child’s eyes tested

Many parents might not think about this, but leading physicians recommend that children get their eyesight tested every year before school. Children don’t always have the agency or awareness to know if they’re seeing poorly, and poor vision can initially manifest as poor grades and performance in school.

A new school year comes with new expectations, routines, and challenges. It’s not easy to jump back into the school rhythm, but thankfully, there are ways to ease the blow and help your child have a stress-free first day. Returning to school should be a fun and positive experience for you and your son or daughter, and these 15 tips can help ensure you’re prepared.

Edublox offers cognitive training and live online tutoring to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.