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Student Receives Academic Awards for the First Time

Morongwa Ledwaba shares how Edublox helped to improve her daughter’s self-confidence and academic abilities, receiving academic awards for the first time.

Reasons for enrolling

We enrolled Kamogelo at Edublox because we were advised by a family friend who enrolled her child and saw improvement.

Kamogelo lacked self-confidence and concentration and needed to improve her grade 7 marks. We felt she could do better when given the right attention and motivation for her schoolwork.

Confidence and academics improve

Kamogelo has improved a lot with regard to self-confidence. She can now face her fears by stepping out of her comfort zone and presenting herself well in class or when talking to others. She feels more confident in her academic abilities.

Her grade 7 marks have improved in a short period of time, especially Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Creative Arts, and Social Sciences, which also encouraged her to read and study more often. Her reading has improved with regard to the pronunciation of words, and she speaks English more fluently than before. She is always happy, energetic, and willing to learn new things and gain more knowledge and understanding of her school work.

Kamogelo has never received an academic award, but recently she obtained three!

Morongwa Ledwaba

Kamogelo’s certificatfes of merit:

Kamogelo’s report: 

Edublox offers cognitive training and live online tutoring to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.

Reading, Maths & Learning Made Easy

English & Afrikaans

Reading, Maths & Learning Made Easy

English & Afrikaans