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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

Math Anxiety in Children with Dyscalculia

For many children with dyscalculia, their math problems can lead to ingrained anxiety and a fear of numbers that persist well into adulthood.


The Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon has been used for medicinal purposes around the world for centuries, and it is known for its unique and potent remedial qualities. Recent studies have now shown medical evidence of these ancient benefits of cinnamon.


5 Reasons to Eat More Broccoli

There are compelling reasons to “green” your dinner plate with this crunchy, cruciferous vegetable. All veggies are good for you, but broccoli really rocks when it comes to health benefits. Here are five reasons you should eat more broccoli.


Reading Skills Linked to Socio-economic Benefits

Strong reading skills have been linked to many personal, social, and economic benefits. According to research published in Psychological Science, reading ability at age seven may be linked to socio-economic status several decades later.


Reading Achievement 2024: Statistics and Consequences

In American schools, too many children struggle to develop the skills necessary to become competent readers. While some children succeed in this endeavor, others do not.


Fishing for Better Health: The Benefits of Eating Fish

Get a fishing license, grab a pole, and hit the shoreline. Eat "the fruits of your labor" five times a week to reduce stroke risk by as much as 52 percent.


Reading Problems in Prisoners Caused by Lack of Training

A study by the University of Malaga examined the prevalence and co-occurrence of reading difficulties and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a Spanish prison population. The main goal was to explore whether prisoners’ reading problems were linked to an underlying phonological deficit or insufficient schooling.


Evidence-based Help for Reading and Learning Difficulties

Our websites contain 800+ documented successes of students whose lives were changed through our integrative approach, the latest addition being three 2024 peer-reviewed publications that shows a significant improvement in reading, literal comprehension, and spelling.   


Do Students with Disabilities Require Unending Patience?

Heward discusses ten notions that he believes limit the effectiveness of special education. One of these notions is that patience is required to be a good teacher of children with disabilities and that one should not expect too much from students with disabilities.


7 Ways to Help Your Child Become a Better Writer

Developing your child into a better writer only takes some patience and time. With these fun steps, your child will surely improve their writing skills.


6 Ways To Exercise Your Brain

Do you spend time at the gym giving your muscles and heart a workout? Well, what about your brain? It needs exercise, too.


4 Proven Ways to Improve Working Memory

Working memory is increasingly recognized as a crucial cognitive skill, and by improving our working memory, we can realize gains in key areas, from school to work to retirement. Here are a few ways to improve your child’s (or your own) working memory.