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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

Ask Susan: Son Struggles with Spelling; Does It Matter?

My son, who is 10, has a problem with spelling. He reads adequately, but he spells words as they sound to him. I am concerned that he will encounter a lot of problems when he hits high school. Sometimes, I wonder if spelling even matters. What do you suggest?


Ask Susan: Surface Dyslexia — Symptoms and Treatment

Surface dyslexia is a subtype of dyslexia that refers to children who struggle with reading because they can’t recognize words by sight. Learn how to help your child.


Ask Susan: Help! My 9-year-old Son Has Dysgraphia

My 9-year-old son has dysgraphia (at least the handwriting part). He shows all the symptoms: he is highly intelligent, yet his writing is illegible; he mixes upper and lowercase letters, and his letter sizes and shapes are inconsistent.


Ask Susan: ‘I Find it Difficult to Study for Exams’

Whatever you do, hold on to your dreams. Some people blossom early, others only later in life. The ‘Queen of the Andes’ is a rather small plant, but once it blooms, it grows up to 30 feet high! Maybe you only need to change a few things so that you, too, can start blooming.


Ask Susan: Are My Children Not Creative Enough?

I worry that my children aren’t imaginative and creative enough. My elder son is six years old. Yesterday he and his friend were playing in our backyard. His friend pretended to be a giant dinosaur, and all my son said was, “there’s no dinosaur”. He never pretend plays, in fact, he seldom plays.


Ask Susan: Orthographic Dyslexia — Symptoms, Causes, Intervention

Orthographic dyslexia, also called surface dyslexia or dyseidetic dyslexia, is a subtype of dyslexia that refers to children who struggle with reading because they can’t recognize words by sight.


Ask Susan: My Son Is Struggling with First Grade, Again

My son is in first grade, the second time around, and he‘s not doing well. He can neither read nor write except for a few basic words. He suffered from recurrent ear infections as a baby and toddler and had grommets four times, which caused temporary hearing loss and, eventually, a language delay.


Ask Susan: How Much TV Should My Kids Be Watching?

TV is a fundamental part of many children’s lives – many kids are glued to the TV for hours every day. Add the time they spend staring at DVDs, computers, and video games, and the screen time really mounts up. Does this do any damage, or is it a harmless way for kids to pass the time?


Ask Susan: Son’s School Work Is Suffering Due to Poor Sleep

In the newest 'Ask Susan' column, Edublox advises a mom whose son is struggling with his school work as a result of poor sleep. Read more about recommended hours of sleep for different life phases and why sleep is important to achieve optimum performance.


Ask Susan: Daughter Has Profound Dyslexia, Dysnomia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia

My daughter Amy tested as profoundly dyslexic and struggles in math, writing and spelling as well. We have done two years of OG and have seen reading improvement, but she is still at least two grades behind. She has always been homeschooled though.


Ask Susan: My Son’s Gross and Fine Motor Skills Are Poorly Developed

My son is in 2nd grade. According to his teacher his reading and spelling ability is on par but he struggles with writing. His teacher says his gross and fine motor skills are poorly developed and this is affecting his speed, even in math class.


Ask Susan: Why a Multiple Cognitive Approach Is the Answer to Learning Disabilities

Susan provides four reasons why the best solution for learning disabilities is to follow a balanced and holistic approach and develop multiple cognitive skills, and not only some.