What is Edublox Online Tutor?
Like Audiblox, Edublox Online Tutor (EOT) offers multisensory cognitive training and live online tutor to enable students to overcome learning obstacles and reach their full potential.
EOT is founded on pedagogical research and 30 years of experience demonstrating that weak underlying cognitive skills — concentration, perception, memory and logical thinking — account for the majority of learning difficulties. Specific cognitive exercises can strengthen these weaknesses leading to increased performance in reading, spelling, writing, math and learning.
EOT has been optimized for children aged between 7 and 13, and is suitable for the gifted and less gifted. EOT is effective for a variety of learning difficulties including dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.
Testimonials and reviews
We just received his first semester report card and I am so excited to say that he received an “A” in both English and Math. I can’t thank you enough for developing a program that truly stands up to your promises and offers hope to those who struggle. — Teresa M., California.
My daughter has dyslexia and we were told two years ago that she would not be able to read or write, but we have achieved amazing results with Edublox and she is in a mainstream school and coping well. Her favourite hobby is, believe it or not, reading. — Janine Webb, South Africa.
Really, it’s a miracle. Six months ago, her spelling tested at a Kindergarten level, and is now at a 6th grade level. This is just still so amazing to all of us who have struggled with her. — Mrs. Adams, New Mexico.
I had one child in the class that I had been doing remedial work with the previous three years with no sign of progress. He remained a real worry to me as to his parents. After only one year of Edublox, he ended up at the end of last year in the top of his class. — Mrs. P. J. Spibey, Australia.
Edublox in action (watch our playlist)
