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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

Dysgraphia Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatment

Learn more about dysgraphia: What is dysgraphia? How common is this learning disorder? What are the symptoms and warning signs in early writers, young students, teenagers and adults? What are the causes and best treatment?


5 Dysgraphia Success Stories

Most dysgraphia success stories in the press are of famous people who have been successful despite dysgraphia. Our students aren’t renowned. They are ordinary people who overcame or are in the process of overcoming dysgraphia symptoms like severe spelling and handwriting difficulties.


Handwriting Curriculum for Dysgraphia

This comprehensive handwriting curriculum for dysgraphia treats the causes: deficits in visual perception, visual memory, motor skills, sensory-motor integration.


18 Gross Motor Activities to Improve Handwriting

Having good gross motor skills can enable a child to excel at sports. But this is only part of the benefit! Developing a child’s gross motor skills can do so much more than that – they can influence their ability to write well and even concentrate in the classroom.


How to Improve Fine Motor Skills for Better Handwriting

Failure to attain handwriting competency often adversely affects academic success. Poor fine motor skills contribute to poor penmanship, but can be improved.


Top 5 Reasons Why Handwriting Matters

As laptops and tablets become more commonly used as writing tools, many are ready to leave the skill of handwriting behind. A growing body of research, however, is leading psychologists and neuroscientists to emphasize the importance of teaching handwriting.


Handwriting and Cognitive Skills

Handwriting difficulties affect between 10 and 30% of children. Research shows that handwriting deficits do not resolve without intervention. Research also shows that improving cognitive skills should be part of every child's handwriting treatment plan.


Tactile-Kinesthetic (Haptic) Perception and Learning Disabilities

Tactile and kinesthetic perceptions usually go hand in hand; together, they are called haptic. Tactile perception refers to the sense of touch, while kinesthetic perception deals with the sense of body movements and muscle feelings.


10 Types of Learning Disabilities and How to Help

This article discusses ten types of learning disabilities and how to help: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, language processing disorder, visual processing disorder, auditory processing disorder, ADHD, autism, and nonverbal learning disability.


Overcoming Handwriting Problems in Children (Program Included)

This program addresses handwriting problems by treating the causes: deficits in visual perception, visual memory, motor skills, and sensory-motor integration.


The Importance of Spelling and Handwriting in a Digital Age

It's a fair question for parents to consider: Why should my child learn to master the skills of spelling and handwriting in a world governed by spell checkers and keyboards? Isn't the mere notion of teaching these skills as archaic as attempting to master trigonometry without the use of a scientific calculator?


Defeating Dyslexia and Dysgraphia: A Trial Case Study

Ten-year-old Dalton has been diagnosed with dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia) at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, and with dyslexia and dysgraphia by a multidisciplinary team at his school. Despite occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, and putting three Orton-Gillingham-based programs to the test, he continued to struggle.