Kenny has learned that reading can be enjoyed and how to enjoy it. His ability to spell now is stunning everybody; his ability to decipher words is phenomenal. His mom shares his story.
Dear Sue,
I know it has been a while since we have corresponded, but I wanted to give it time before I filled you in on what is happening with Kenny. I had not started the program with Kenny as soon as I got it because there were things that happened that had to be rectified first.
I am pleased to tell you that the program is wonderful and we have success here. Kenny as you know is a bright fellow but improves everyday. Kenny is now receiving ALL A’s on his report card. He is so proud of himself as well as his father and I are of him. His confidence level alone had helped him with his success. Kenny’s ability to spell now is stunning all of us. His ability to decipher words is phenomenal. I can hardly believe the words he is able to master. The most incredible thing with Kenny is that when he is tired and things get fuzzy for him, he is able to refocus and know where to begin again to obtain the goal of completing the task set out for him.
I can’t tell you what a good feeling this is as well and a weight off our shoulders that Kenny has come so far. The days of fighting to do homework and dreading homework times are over. There are no more tears, and there is more time to relax. Kenny has learned that reading can be enjoyed and how to enjoy it. He loves to read now and is reading books I never thought he would be able to master. He is reading now on an above grade level average and scored above grade level on his State tests. This is a wonderful thing.
I am now going to ask you another favor….
Donna, USA
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