Jennifer Gilliland shares her son’s success in handwriting after doing Edublox for thirty hours. Read the full story below.
Reasons for choosing Edublox
I have been following the Dysgraphia Program from Edublox and we are thirty (30) hours into the program. I sought out a program to address my nine year old son’s difficulties in writing, both the mechanics of writing and the process of composing a written paragraph.
Although my son had completed occupational therapy in school to address fine motor weaknesses and had improved, his handwriting remained inconsistent.
Improvements after 30 hours
After thirty hours, I can honestly say his handwriting is no longer an issue. It has become automatic for him to write neatly and legibly, whereas before, his writing varied depending on the day and the amount of effort he was willing to put in to be neat.
This has also positively affected his ability to compose a written paragraph. Because he does not have to concentrate on the mechanics of writing, he is more able to focus on the composing part of writing, and he is able to write longer and more well organized sentences and paragraphs.
Another big part of my satisfaction with this product has been the support I have received in the form of prompt responses to my emailed questions about using Edublox. Sue DuPlessis has stood behind the Edublox product.
It’s great to know that you can do something to resolve areas of weakness instead of standing by helplessly watching your child struggle.
Thanks again,
Jennifer Gilliland
United States
Edublox offers cognitive training and live online tutoring to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.