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Edublox Online Tutor: 200+ Reviews and Success Stories

Edublox is an educational method that integrates cognitive training and solid learning principles with reading, writing, or math tutoring. Edublox assists students to become life-long learners and empowers them to realize their highest educational goals. While Edublox is not a quick fix, its use can permanently alleviate the symptoms of learning disabilities like dyslexia and dyscalculia. Below are links to 200+ Edublox reviews and successes:

Customer Review Playlist: Overcoming Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Learning Difficulties
Does your child have the ability to excel academically yet struggle to reach their full potential? Do they battle to concentrate, plan and organize, or is their memory poor?

Overcoming Attention and Concentration Difficulties
Nadia van Rooyen tells the story of how her son Dihann overcame his attention and concentration difficulties. In a few weeks Dihann went from struggling to being second in his class; he could focus on the task at hand and finish it.

Visual Dyslexia: A Mom’s Journey Helping Her Son Beat the Symptoms
Visual dyslexia refers to children who struggle with reading because they have problems remembering and discriminating visual gestalts. Synonyms are surface dyslexia, dyseidetic dyslexia, and orthographic dyslexia. In the video, a mom shares her journey of helping her son beat the symptoms.

More Progress in Weeks than with other Programs in Years
Willam’s mom shares her son’s progress in math after enrolling him in Edublox’s Live Tutor program: “Within weeks of working with his tutors, he made more improvement than he had made in years of any other curriculum.”

Hannah’s Story of Overcoming Dyscalculia and Math Anxiety
Three years ago, at age 12, Hannah could count up to a hundred, but she couldn’t count backward from a hundred. She couldn’t go past adding one. She had no concept of place value, even after six years of teaching and multiple curricula. That’s where their journey with Edublox started.

Spelling, Writing, and Reading Improve; Top 20 in Math
Annabel struggled with spelling, writing, reading, and basic math. Edublox was discovered. From term 1 to term 3, Annabel’s average for her first language increased by 23% and the average for her second language by 30%. She is now one of the top 20 math students in 4th grade.

Video: Student with Dyscalculia Gains 7 Years in Math in 3 Years
Six years of teaching and tutoring failed to help her daughter, who had severe dyscalculia. Her mother discovered the Edublox system and gave it a try. Robyn is a family physician and volunteered to do this testimony because Edublox has changed her daughter’s life.

Video: Edublox Math Program Opens New Worlds
As a result of dyspraxia, Veronica struggled with reading and mathematics. In this video, her father shares how Edublox’s math program has helped to open new worlds for her.

Dyslexia Treatment Yields Long-term Results
Three parents in different parts of the world shared their children’s dyslexia success stories during a webinar. Two students completed treatment over a decade ago and continued to grow academically. The third was still undergoing treatment.

Dyscalculia Success Story: From “Extremely Low” to “Average” in Math
Maddie was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and dyscalculia. Edublox helped her improve from the 1st/3rd percentile to the 41st percentile in math. Her school awarded her with the Most Improved Certificate for math!

Adult Overcomes Learning Disabilities
Giordanna in Milwaukee, WI, contacted Edublox to help her son, who dropped out of college because of learning disabilities. Read her heart-warming story of how Edublox changed his life.

Story of a Boy Who Overcame Dyslexia and Earned a Master’s Degree
Abraham, a student with dyslexia, failed his fourth grade and did not improve for two years. His mother read about the Edublox system and gave it a try. His improvement was remarkable, going on to eventually earn a master’s degree at university.

From Fail to Pass: Student’s Average Increased by 32%
In 2023 Hlulani did not pass terms 1 and 2. His father then started to see improvement in his writing, homework, and assessments. In term 3, he passed for the first time. The remarks written were: “YOU SHOW GREAT IMPROVEMENT. PROUD OF YOU!”

Student’s Math Score Improves from 3/7 to 6/7; He Thrives Holistically
Emelia Govender shares her son’s progress in math after enrolling him in the Edublox math program. Tayden’s math mark improved from 3/7 to 6/7 and he is thriving holistically.

ADHD Success Story: Schoolwork No Longer Means Anxiety, Sadness, or Tears
Kori was diagnosed with ADHD in 1st grade. When play therapy and audio-processing therapy did not yield results, her parents enrolled her in the Edublox program. Tanya shares her daughter’s progress in confidence, working speed, handling frustration, and reading.

Edublox Helps Student Finish 1st Grade “Strong”
Pamela shares how Edublox helped her daughter grow in confidence and improved her concentration and reading. She urges all parents who have a child struggling or simply needing that extra support to find the help they need.

Math Program Delivers “Immediate Results.” He No Longer Hates Math
Kim shares her son’s progress in math after enrolling him in Edublox’s Live Tutor program:  “My child regained confidence. He no longer hates math. He now smiles and tells us, “I know it, I know it” or “I’m so smart!”

Customer Satisfaction Survey: Live Tutor Service
In October 2022, Edublox Online Tutor conducted an online benchmark survey to help us measure our performance as a business and the quality and results of our Live Tutor service. 

Student with Severe Dyslexia Improves by 54 Percentiles
In 2015, Maddie was diagnosed with dyslexia. This diagnosis was changed to severe dyslexia in 2016, and diagnoses of moderate dyscalculia and ADHD were added. On top of that, Maddie’s Full Scale IQ score was 81, which is in the Low Average range. Three years of treatment yielded little results. Finally, in February 2018, Maddie embarked on the Edublox program. Her IQ score increased to 103, and she improved by 54 percentiles in reading.

Case Study: Beating Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
Meet Vivienne, an 11-year-old American girl adopted from China at age 5. Her parents have tried many avenues to help her catch up on her developmental delays. While she made progress in certain areas, her academics continued to lag. 

Case Study: Overcoming Memory Problems, Reading and Math Disabilities
Meet Naeleigh, a 9-year-old American girl adopted from China at the age of two. Her parents soon realized that Naeleigh battled with memorization and continued to struggle with reading and math despite hard work.

Video: From Hating School to Loving It!
After immigrating to a new country, Catherine struggled with her academics – reading, spelling, writing, and math. As a result, she started hating going to school. Catherine began with Edublox’s home-based program Reading Tutor in August of 2021. Already by the end of her school year (December 2021), she was awarded the school’s trophy for overall excellence.

Videos: Edublox FAQ Answered by Our Clients
Edublox improves lives. In Part 1 we asked two parents what the results of the improvements are. In Part 2 we asked two more parents what the results of the improvements are. We asked three parents how they would explain the Edublox reading and dyslexia program to another parent…

Boy’s Reading Efficiency Improved by 12 Years. Two Decades Later…
Dyslexia turned school into a nightmare for Werner Louw. Because his IQ was tested at 148, the Louw parents found it strange that their son Werner would battle at school. And battle he did. The written word remained a closed book to him. Although his parents went from pillar to post to try and solve his reading problem, nothing seemed to help. Read about his Edublox journey the long-term results.

Video: Apraxia Success Story
Dennis shares how Edublox is teaching his daughter to read after other programs have failed. She was diagnosed with apraxia. Apraxia is a neurological condition that makes specific motor movements difficult. It may affect speech and coordination and co-occur with learning disorders…

Podcast: Elih’s Road to Recovery
Get the tissues ready before listening to this podcast of Just Plain Drive, Wingz of Change with Darren Scott, Elih’s mom, and Elih. Elih fell into a pool at the age of 20 months. Listen to the story of his road to recovery, in which Edublox plays a significant part.

Edublox Voices Tell Their Stories
Every story is unique, and each child a triumph. Listen and be inspired by the stories of Edublox clients. Wonderfully told in their words, not ours. Edublox offers groundbreaking reading, math and learning interventions.

Video: Overcoming Learning Challenges — It’s Life-Changing!
Watch Naeleigh’s heart-warming story of overcoming learning challenges. While Edublox’s Development Tutor is improving her cognitive skills like concentration, processing, memory, and reasoning, Live Tutor and…

100+ Edublox Reviews
We are so delighted with the progress and growth Levi experienced during his 2 years with Edublox and are happy to report that he is now a bookworm! Edublox has literally changed our lives and I tell everyone I can who is struggling, to try it.

A Profound Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Success Story
Amy was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and dyscalculia. She got so behind in school that her parents started homeschooling her. She also started with Edublox’s live online tutoring. Amy overcame many obstacles. Her reading improved from being unable to read to reading in the 46th percentile when tested on the 8th-grade level. Her mom, Sandy, shares Amy’s progress over a period of three years.

Dyslexic Student Learns More in 13 Weeks than Her Entire Life
Vivienne is an 11-year-old American girl adopted from China at age five. Her mother, Susan, tried many avenues to help Vivienne catch up on her developmental delays. While progress was made in certain areas, Vivienne’s academics continued to lag. They embarked on the Edublox program, and in 13 weeks, Vivienne learned more than she had in her entire life.

Video: Surface Dyslexia — Edublox Testimonial, Uncut
Edublox has been involved in teaching children to read, learn and achieve for more than 30 years. Hilary’s son started Edublox tutoring in May 2020. Her son completed his journey in August 2011. Listen to Hilary’s testimonial.

Overcoming Severe Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Low IQ: A Case Study
Maddie’s parents were told by more than one professional that Maddie would probably never read, and that they should try to find things that Maddie could be successful with outside of academics, because she would never be successful in academics. Her mom, Kimberly, refused to accept this and worked tirelessly trying to help Maddie — with little success…

Overcoming a Spelling Problem: Kindergarden to 6th Grade in Six Months
A mother in New Mexico shares her daughter’s story of overcoming a spelling problem after doing Edublox for six months: I feel as if part of my daughter’s mind was trapped, and Edublox set her free.

Story of a Girl Who Overcame Dyslexia and Pursued a Master’s Degree
After her daughter’s dyslexia diagnosis in 4th grade, Elize recalled hearing about Edublox on the radio and went for training to help her. Marie-Louise passed 12th grade with four distinctions, passed her BA degree in Social Work with good marks, and is pursuing her MA degree in Social Work.

Returning the Light in Amy’s Eyes: An Edublox Experience – Uncut
This video is about Sandy and her daughter Amy, who was diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia. Sandy shares how Edublox has helped to fill the holes Amy was missing: working memory, reading, number sense, understanding price tags, and more.

Building on Reading
When two Cape Town mothers, Kashiefa Gallie and Rebecca Felix, learned that their children had reading difficulties, they went into panic mode. Although they came from different parts of the city, Lansdowne and Crawford respectively, they knew that reading was a critical skill for children to master at the foundation phase.

Radio Interview: Overcoming Reading and Learning Difficulties
After years of therapy, Shirley’s son was still struggling with reading and learning. But then she heard about Edublox, and her son’s life changed. Listen to her story as told on live radio.

An Edublox Experience – Uncut: Susan and Vivienne’s Story
Vivienne was adopted from China at age 5. This video is about Susan helping her 11-year-old daughter overcome developmental delays, including dyslexia. They started with the Edublox program 13 weeks ago. 

Student with Dyseidetic Dyslexia Improves by 26 Percentiles
A developmental optometrist contacted Edublox and requested help for his 9-year-old patient who struggled with dyseidetic dyslexia – also called orthographic dyslexia and surface dyslexia. Rief, the patient, improved from the 34th to the 60th percentile in reading. His grades are outstanding.

Edublox Program Was Key to Learning Success
Adam from the US did Edublox while stationed in Kuwait. His mother, Sherri Brow­ning, reported on his progress: Adam had so many learning difficulties when we first began with Edublox that all I could do was hope, with all my heart, that this would finally be the program that would help him.

Real Progress for Student with Apraxia, Sequential Disorder, ADHD
A mom in Utah shares her son’s progress after doing Edublox for five months. He was diagnosed with apraxia of speech, poor working memory, sequential processing disorder, and severe ADHD. His parents also suspected severe dyslexia.

Video: Overcoming Reading Difficulties — Four Children Tell Their Stories
Four children, Kelsey, Tshepo, Liam and Joshua share how struggling to read affected them, as well as how it feels now that they can read.

Dysgraphia Success Story: Handwriting No Longer an Issue
Jennifer Gilliland shares her son’s success in handwriting after doing Edublox for thirty hours: I have been following the Dysgraphia Program from Edublox and we are thirty (30) hours into the program. 

Dyslexic Becomes an Honors and Advanced Placement Student
A mother in Fullerton, United States, shares her dyslexic daughter’s progress after two weeks on the Edublox program. Her daughter started to love reading, and her handwriting improved overnight. Four years later, her daughter is in her first year of high school and honors English and geometry, and AP (Advanced Placement) History.

Once Struggling Reader Receives an A in English and Math
Teresa M. in California wrote: Now my son is a Freshman in High School. We just received his first semester report card and I am so excited to say that he received an “A” in both English and Math.

Case Study: Edublox Increases Performance IQ by 25 Points
A wonderful Edublox success story regarding IQ increase is that of Mia, a young girl who started at Edublox two years ago. She was diagnosed as mildly dyslexic, performed poorly in all school subjects, and was on the verge of failing 4th grade. 

Overcoming a Reading Disability
Aby Stinson shares her son’s story of overcoming a reading disability: Sean is actually reading for pleasure and says that he is suddenly able to read more easily and quicker. His handwriting, which was so tiny, has become larger and easier to read and he is writing more.

Boy with Dyslexia Improves from the 40’s to 75 in Reading
Jeremie, a boy in Canada, had been struggling to learn to read and write since kindergarten. This took a big toll on his self-esteem. Then, in Grade 2, Jeremie was diagnosed with dyslexia. After testing various dyslexia methods that failed to help, Jeremie’s mom, Laura Trudel, heard about Edublox. After only three weeks, Jeremie began to show progress.

Student Receives Academic Awards for the First Time
Morongwa shares how Edublox helped to improve her daughter’s self-confidence and academic abilities, receiving academic awards for the first time.

Girl with Dyslexia Noticeably a More Confident Reader
Anne, a girl in Hertz, UK, was showing dyslexia symptoms. She scored one year behind the average for reading on a national standard assessment test. After Edublox, Anne scored a reading age of 10.02 years againsta chronological age of 9.6.

Life-changing Difference for Student with ADHD
Erigh was diagnosed with ADHD, dyspraxia, and dyslexia. He was going to fail 4th grade after barely passing 3rd grade. Since attending Edublox, Erigh can concentrate much better, and his school marks increased by about 30%. His reading has also improved, together with him being able to put his thoughts in writing and it being readable for the educator. His mom tells all.

Dyslexia and Visual Perceptual Deficits: A Case Study
Hannah was diagnosed with severe dyslexia. Follow her progress after starting Edublox, as witnessed by an occupational therapist, her mom, and a remedial practitioner. She has made “excellent and pleasing improvement in areas of sensory motor function as well as visual perception” and “remarkable progress in terms of her academic and emotional development.”

An ADHD and Dyslexia Success Story
Le Roux was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Berna Spies shares her son’s success after he joined Edublox. His reading improved by two year levels, and his math mark increased by 30 percent.

A Huge Improvement in Academic Progress
Samaah was anxious about the workload at school and found it all very overwhelming. Samaah’s mom, Ammaarah Rinquest, and her teacher, Ms. C. Basson, reported on Samaah’s progress eight months after she started at Edublox.

Days of Fighting to Do Homework Are Over
Kenny has learned that reading can be enjoyed and how to enjoy it. His ability to spell now is stunning everybody; his ability to decipher words is phenomenal. His mom shares his story.

Twice Exceptional — Gifted with a Learning Disability: A Parent’s Story
My son is now 7.4 years in 2nd grade. He was a late talker, with a very limited vocabulary. We did a lot of different things to get him to communicate more, the usual — read lots of stories to flash cards, The Listening Program, stories on tape, piano lessons…

Student Improves in Reading, Spelling, and 57% in Math
After failing language arts and math Tyriq’s parents enrolled him in the Edublox program, with the result that his reading is now on par, his spelling improved, and he increased his math score from 11% to 68%. Tyriq’s mom and his school principal tell all.

Teacher Never Before Experienced That Rapid Improvement
Inonge Khabele-Stevens in Austin, TX shares her daughter’s success: Her teacher broke away for a parent she was talking to and ran after me down the hallway. She was so excited that she could barely speak. She’d never before experienced that rapid improvement…

From Failing to Most Improved Student
Before I enrolled my daughter Caylin at Edublox she was struggling to pass every year. I dreaded parent-teacher evenings and we were always the ones called in to see the teacher or HoD. We had tried everything from extra classes to neurologists to occupational therapists.

Twins’ Reading Increased Over 2 1/2 Years In 9 Weeks
Nita Brist in Washington State shares her sons’ successes: Last year they did not improve in their reading level all year. We started Edublox in June and already in the first 9 weeks of school they have increased over 2 1/2 years.

Overcoming Learning Difficulties: Isabella Gets Wings to Fly
I always believed in the potential my daughter had, but it was trapped and buried, and without the skills and teaching that she received at Edublox she would never have had the opportunity to start achieving towards her full potential.

Once Poor Speller Becomes a Top Student
John was referred to a special school, as he could not attend mainstream high school. Edublox improved John’s grades by 20 percent, and he remained in high school. John also earned two degrees after finishing school. Eve Agiakatsika in Greece shares her son’s success.

An Answer to Prayer
Shannon Bruck shares her son’s success: I truly do feel this program is an answer to prayer. We are using it with our 7 year old son, Benjamin. Benjamin is a very smart, energetic, compassionate little boy. However, when it came to school work, especially reading and writing…

Reading and Math Difficulties Persist After Eye Problems Fixed
After his convergence insufficiency problems were solved, Sean continued to struggle with reading and math. Homeschool mom Cindy in Michigan shares her son’s progress after starting him on the Edublox program.

Dyslexia Success Story: “Miracle” After 14 Phonics Programs
Pam Foy in North Carolina shares her son’s success: We are blessed by God that this was sent our way. We were faced with finding another phonics program, and I just couldn’t do that anymore. After having used 14 different phonics programs and tutoring two times…

Dyslexia: Student Improves His Language Arts Score by 21%
Preneil was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of thirteen. The diagnosis caused his self-esteem to suffer and filled his mom with anger, annoyance, sadness, and despair. After Preneil failed English, his mom discovered Edublox. His Language Arts score improved by 21%, he achieved an A in math and was allowed to enter university.

Lifelong Help for Learning Disabilities: A Case Study
Kyle’s journey with Edublox started on June 6, 2010. He read slowly and hesitantly, reversed b’s and d’s, had spelling difficulties, and even failed to copy correctly. He had been at another remedial reading facility for almost two years previously, but this clearly wasn’t yielding any results.

Twins with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Overcome Learning Difficulties
Their poor school performance was characterized by a level 1 (not achieved) out of 4 on report cards. However these worrying results changed drastically just six months after enrolling the twins at an Edublox reading and learning clinic.

Reading Up by 2 Years in Less than 6 Months
He finished the school year on a real high, his reading age went up by 2 years in less than 6 months and he is now making far fewer mistakes and is also self correcting himself when it doesn’t make sense. His spelling age improved as well…

Self-esteem and Reading Fluency Improved Tremendously
Karla, a homeschooling mom in Canada, shares her son’s reading struggles. After being diagnosed as learning disabled, he attended a literacy school. He made some progress but continued to guess every second or third word. She relates how Edublox was the game-changer.

Dyslexia: Success After Three Reading Curriculums Failed
Home school mom Susan Lounder shares her son’s story. Jacob was diagnosed with dyslexia, and despite following three popular reading curriculums over four years, Jacob still could not read.

Best Help for Auditory Processing Problems and Other LDs
My 13-yr old son has LDs, auditory processing problems and sensory integration disorder, as well as mild-to-moderate cerebral palsy. We’ve tried various things, but have had the best results by far from Edublox.

Case Study: Overcoming Severe Learning Disabilities
A decade ago, Jannes and his parents were standing at crossroads. Due to severe learning disabilities, Jannes was referred to a special school… Jannes completed Grade 12 with university exemption and embarked on a B.Sc. degree in Mathematical Sciences.

Help for ADHD-like Behaviors 
A homeschool mom tells how Edublox helped her son be more organized in his thoughts, be more willing to learn, stop to focus and think things through, and more. This has flowed into other behaviors, such as a desire to have his surroundings organized and a clear workspace.

From Failing to Top Performer
After starting with Edublox, Zan improved from being 4 to 17 months behind to 12 months ahead in reading and comprehension! She is now a top performer. She is getting 6’s and 7’s and she is in mainstream school. Her mom reports.

Reading at Grade Level After Five Months
When she tried to teach her son to read, Janey Nieboer discovered that Alex would frequently reverse his letters and numbers. Alex made significant gains after five months of Edublox Tutoring, and is now reading at grade level.

Overcoming a Language Disorder
Liezl in Greece tells about her daughter’s language disorder and how she overcame this problem: I live in Greece and they are so behind on learning difficulties. My daughter who is now in grade 5 has a language disorder, which is inherited.

Beating a Learning Problem
Gail Benson shares her son’s success in overcoming a learning problem. At the end of 2010 the teachers of the school Troy attended called her in and indicated that Troy had a learning problem when it came to spelling and reading. They felt strongly that he should repeat Grade 2 as literacy skills needed attention and they feared that he would fall behind in all subjects if these skills were not improved.

A Learning Disabilities Success Story
Andrew Deysel-Morgan and his spouse became unexpected parents when his nieces aged 4 and 5 were placed in their care from an alcoholic home. This is their story: We immediately placed them into a nursery school — they had never previously been to nursery school…

ADD and Dyslexia Case Studies Presented at the Kennesaw State University
The following report was prepared by two elementary school teachers with many years of experience. These teachers presented this report to their colleagues at Kennesaw State University, where each was a candidate for the Ed.D. degree. The teachers are Peggy Anderson and Carole Derrick.

ADHD and Learning Disabilities: A Success Story
After 3 ½ months Pamela in Kansas had her son retested at the same center that did his testing before he started Edublox. Read her story and view the results.

Overcoming Reading, Spelling, and Math Difficulties
A homeschooling mom in Washington State shares her 15-year-old daughter’s learning jouney. Her biggest problems were in spelling and math. On a test preceding our work with Edublox, she tested at second-grade seventh-month for both spelling and math computation.

Adult’s Reading, Spelling and Writing Skills Improve
Twelve months after Mark Beech started Edublox, he went from being a non-reader to reading his first book, The Bourne Identity! Mark’s mom tells all.

Edublox International welcomes you.

Contact your local NA branch to assist your child with reading, spelling, maths and learning.

Edublox International welcomes you.

Contact your local SA branch to assist your child with reading, spelling, maths and learning.