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The Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon has been used for medicinal purposes around the world for centuries, and it is known for its unique and potent remedial qualities. Recent studies have now shown medical evidence of these ancient benefits of cinnamon.


5 Reasons to Eat More Broccoli

There are compelling reasons to “green” your dinner plate with this crunchy, cruciferous vegetable. All veggies are good for you, but broccoli really rocks when it comes to health benefits. Here are five reasons you should eat more broccoli.


Drink Tomato Juice for Healthy Bones

Milk is not the only drink that builds healthy bones. According to research published in the journal Osteoporosis International, drinking tomato juice also reduces osteoporosis risk. Is sipping tomato juice twice a day the key to healthy bones?


The Many Health Benefits of Garlic

Current research shows that garlic may have some real health properties and has significant potential as a safe and efficacious natural remedy to cancer. In this article, we discuss the many health benefits of garlic.


Beetroot Juice For Better Brain Health

Chances are you’ve eaten a beet, but have you ever enjoyed a fresh glass of beetroot juice? Recent research discovered that beetroot juice helps open up blood vessels, leading to the heart and lower blood pressure – and also improves brain health.


Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea

It seems the leaves from the jasmine flower have benefits that go beyond their pleasant aroma and sweet taste. What are the health benefits of jasmine tea?


6 Hidden Health Benefits of Chewing Gum

A pack of chewing gum is inexpensive and can make your day a little sweeter. Surprisingly, the benefits of chewing gum go far beyond the simple task of sweetening your mouth. Chewing gum can also provide you with various health benefits, making that nickel piece of gum even more of a bargain.


Healthy Snack Ideas to Promote Weight Loss

Research has shown that eating five or six small meals a day results in a more significant weight loss than eating two or three larger ones. Why is this so?


5 Ways to Create Healthy Eating Habits for Your Family

One day of eating innutritious foods won’t make you unhealthy, sure. But over two years? How about 5, 10, or even 20? Then, you can bet that it would make a dent in your health.


Which Nut Is Highest in Antioxidants?

Move over pecans. You’ve been unseated by the walnut for the nut highest in antioxidants. Pecans once carried this coveted distinction, but according to a new study, walnuts have the highest level of top-quality antioxidants of any nut tested. One more reason to eat walnuts.


Milk at 10, Strong Bones at 50: Drink Milk While Your Bones are Growing

Kids who ignore the age-old parental command to ‘drink your milk!’ may live to regret it. New findings show that women over 50 who drank less than a glass of milk a day as girls have significantly lower bone density and twice the risk of fractures compared with those who drank a glass or more a day. It also appears there is no undoing past damage...


The Health Benefits of Apples for Your Kids (and You)

Apples are not bursting with vitamins and minerals like other fruits, though they do provide a bit of vitamin C and potassium. Yet, they have other health benefits.