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Video archive: Overcoming learning barriers

Watch interviews, covering Edublox clients of all age groups and from all over the world, at various stages of implementation… Read more...

“Reading and learning has become a pleasure in our house”

Since we started Edublox, they pick up every little book and magazine because they WANT TO READ. They WANT to… Read more...

“It is absolutely amazing for him and me to be getting these brilliant marks”

After years of speech therapy, OT, remedial and reading centers – I am absolutely blown away by what Edublox offers... Read more...

Case study: Improving auditory memory improves reading

Spamandla, now a Grade 3 learner, was re-assessed on the Essi Reading and Spelling Test. Assessed on a Grade 3,… Read more...

“I was desperate for help…”

After a few months we started noticing that we did not have to tell him to do things. He started… Read more...

“It’s been six months … and already she is one of the top performers in her class”

I was told that my daughter would never make it in a mainstream school and that she had to be… Read more...

Edublox improves concentration, memory, and mathematical reasoning

His memory and concentration is also far better and this is assisting his overall schoolwork. Besides his schoolwork, the improved… Read more...

Reading Clinic Makes a Big Difference

Imagine my surprise when she came home with her first report this year. After the first few sessions at the… Read more...

Reading Fluency and Spelling Improve; Dean Becomes a Top Achiever

Dean went for various assessment tests with a remedial teacher, a speech therapist, an educational psychologist and an IELD therapist.… Read more...

Faith, love and hope

Of all the angels, you are the ombudsman. You’ve made teachers and everybody else involved with education sit up and… Read more...