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Reading Up by 2 Years in Less than 6 Months

A mother in the UK shares her son’s success:.

After taking a break over summer we are starting Edublox again so I thought I would take this time to update you with his progress.

As you know his main problem before we started was with his reading, even though he had an age appropriate reading age it didn’t match his IQ, he was very reluctant to read and often missed the small joining words while guessing longer words based on the first few letters and the context of what he was reading, if the sentence didn’t make sense he wouldn’t realise it. He also struggled with spelling.

We started originally on the Spelling Program, then I moved him onto the Dyslexia Program. When he hit a plateau on that we got a month’s Customised Program, he worked really hard during that month and made a lot of progress. He finished the school year on a real high, his reading age went up by 2 years in less than 6 months and he is now making far fewer mistakes and is also self correcting himself when it doesn’t make sense. His spelling age improved as well and he also did really well in the end of year exams with his best results in most subjects. Unfortunately I got a bit burnt out doing Edublox with all 3 kids so our summer break ended up being longer than planned but I am back on track now as I know it works if we put the effort in.

He had his first session tonight after several weeks break and he hasn’t lost much ground.

Thanks for all your help
Jenny & Greg

Edublox offers cognitive training and live online tutoring to students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other learning disabilities. Our students are in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Book a free consultation to discuss your child’s learning needs.