There are may ways to spell the long vowel sound o. Examples include:
- o-e as in code, hope, home, bone, drove, throne;
- o as in go, hello, jumbo robot, pony, frozen;
- o as in gold, told, most (glued sounds);
- ew as in sew (stitching fabric together);
- ough as in though, although, doughnut;
- oa as in oak, boat, soap, coat, coach, throat;
- oe as in toe, tiptoe;
- ow as in sow (planting seeds), throw, arrow, follow, hollow, yellow, pillow, window.
We use “oa” in the beginning or middle of a word/syllable (oak, soap) and “oe” and “ow” at the end of the word/syllable (toe AND throw).

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