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“It is absolutely amazing for him and me to be getting these brilliant marks”

“It is absolutely amazing for him and me to be getting these brilliant marks”

Mom Shirley shares her son’s progress after enrolling him at Edublox.

I have to tell you that I continue to be absolutely astounded and impressed. When I first came to you it was because I picked up a problem with Ryan studying Social Science and not reading and understanding the work. For the last two years he has been battling between mid 50’s and early 60’s for his SS cycle tests and exams.

He came home yesterday with 81% for last weeks cycle test. Again I cannot begin to thank you and the teachers enough. It is absolutely amazing for him and me to be getting these brilliant marks, without as much hard slog as previously done, to obtain much better marks.

After years of speech therapy, OT, remedial and reading centers – I am absolutely blown away by what Edublox offers and the fact that he loves the classes. I know I have said it before but really I continue to be amazed and it has done the world of good for Ryan’s self confidence!


Kind regards
Shirley Lindeque


Listen to Shirley’s story as told on the radio:

Shirley Lindeque Edublox Online Tutor October 18, 2016


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