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LD Articles, Resources and Success Stories

Video: Mixed Dyslexia – Signs, Causes, and Treatment

Mixed dyslexia, also known as double-deficit dyslexia, is a severe form of dyslexia caused by deficits in phonological processing and visual naming speed.


Neuroplasticity Healing Dyslexia, Part 2

In Part 2, we continue to delve into neuroplasticity, which, together with cognitive training, reading intervention, and proper learning principles, holds the answer to healing dyslexia.


Neuroplasticity Healing Dyslexia, Part 1

Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change in response to learning. Learn how neuroplasticity, together with cognitive training, reading intervention, and proper learning principles, holds the answer to healing dyslexia.


Video: Dyslexia Explained to Kids

Kids might have heard the word before, but do they know what it means? In this video, we explain where the word comes from, what it is, and what to do when they think they need help with reading.


Dyslexia Resource Booklet for Parents and Teachers

The Edublox Dyslexia Resource Booklet is part of a bigger campaign by Edublox to educate and empower teachers, parents and caregivers to help children who might have dyslexia.


14 Dyslexia Success Stories of Children and Students

Fourteen students who overcame dyslexia symptoms and how their parents helped them do it.


Phonemic Awareness: What It Is, Role in Reading, Training

Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in spoken language. Phonemic awareness refers to focusing on and manipulating phonemes in spoken words. English has 44 particular phonemes consisting of 24 consonants and 20 vowels. This article delves into phonemic awareness, its role in reading, and the value of phonemic awareness training.


What Is Mixed Dyslexia? Pointers, Causes, Intervention

Mixed dyslexia, also known as double-deficit dyslexia, is a severe form of dyslexia caused by deficits in phonological processing and visual naming speed.


History of Dyslexia from 1877 to the Present Time

The history of dyslexia starts in 1877, 147 years ago, with Adolph Kussmaul. Learn about the roles played by Berlin, Kerr, Morgan, Hinshelwood, Orton, Strauss and Werner, Lehtinen, Kirk, and the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.


The Leading Cause of Dyslexia (Dyslexia Series, Part 3)

We discuss two fundamental principles that make it possible to interpret dyslexia. The first is that there is nothing that any human being knows or can do that they have not learned. The second is that human learning is a stratified process.


Fantastic Plastic. The Brain and Dyslexia (Dyslexia Series, Part 2)

We discuss new technologies, especially fMRI scans, which made it possible for scientists to see that the brain is changeable and that neuroplasticity is the light at the end of the dark dyslexia tunnel.


What Is Dyslexia? (Dyslexia Series, Part 1)

Few things create so much tension within a parent as a child who struggles with reading, spelling, and writing. Most children find it easy or relatively easy, but for one out of five children, this experience is very different. For them, learning to read is so complex that the word “dyslexia” is often used to refer to this severe struggle.